
Freedom Park Sign Message Space

$20.00 / day

Put your message on the new Freedom Park sign.

72 characters total – 18 characters per line including spaces, 4 lines of text.

Price is $20 per day.

Have a question? Visit our FAQ page for answers to our most Frequently Asked Questions.

There is a 2 day minimum for sign rental. We try to have sign messages up by 11am. Messages must be local to the Stanwood/Camano Island area. Messages shall not be of political or religious nature, include any discriminatory content, or promote the sale of drugs or weapons. Messages on the sign do not represent the opinions, endorsements, or affiliations of Freedom Park.

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Put your message on the new Freedom Park sign.

72 characters total -> 18 characters per line including spaces, 4 lines of text.

Price is $20 per day.

There is a 2 day minimum for sign rental. We try to have sign messages up by 11am. Messages must be local to the Stanwood/Camano Island area. Messages shall not be of political or religious nature, include any discriminatory content, or promote the sale of drugs or weapons. Messages on the sign do not represent the opinions, endorsements, or affiliations of Freedom Park.

Find Us

Freedom Park
Hwy 532 & E. North Camano Dr.
Camano Island, WA 98282

Dusk – Dawn


©2022 Freedom Park Association

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